Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Using a Variety of Evidence from the Tomb of Tutankhamun,...

The pharaoh was undoubtedly the most important terrestrial figure in ancient Egypt and played a significant role in the functioning of Egyptian society. Entrusted with governing the realm of Egypt and providing a link between the Egyptian people and the gods, pharaohs were â€Å"an essential element in the maintenance of the position of society in the order of creation†. This idea has been substantiated through the various artefacts located in tombs in the Valley of the Kings, particularly that of Tutankhamun. These finds have shed light on the role and lifestyle of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt. Through the discovery and analysis of these items, historians and archaeologists alike have been able to glean considerable amounts of information in†¦show more content†¦This latter point is exceedingly salient, and the prominent featuring of Egyptian gods throughout Tutankhamun’s tomb denotes the considerable cultural significance of religion and the way in which it e ssentially governed much of ancient Egyptian society. Correspondingly, such artefacts as the Shabti dolls further emphasize the importance of the afterlife, as the minuscule dolls are intended to represent servants for the pharaoh in life after death. This illustrates that the pharaoh was regarded as a hugely esteemed figure and shows the focus that was placed upon ensuring that the afterlife was a comfortable and hospitable environment for the ruler. Similarly, the pharaoh’s responsibility in warfare and conflict in ancient Egyptian society was significant, and they were seen as an intrinsic guiding force. In contrast to later civilizations, Egyptian pharaohs often joined their forces on the battlefield and became physically involved in the hostilities. Evidence of this has been sourced in Tutankhamun’s tomb, as a range of the items elucidate that the boy king would have been immersed in the battles fought. The unhinged remnants of six chariots were found in the antechamber of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and are believed to have been used for both ceremonial and wartime purposes. One chariot in particular differs from most of the others, as it has a light frame and simple construction. Analysis of the chariot has indicated that there was a wheel change in ancient times,

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