Monday, January 27, 2020

Dual Relationships in Counseling

Dual Relationships in Counseling Dual Relationships in Counseling According to Corey (2009), the issue of dual relationships, involving clients and counselors has been widely addressed by the various professional ethical guidelines. Corey continues to say that except for sexual intimacy with a client, there is not much consensus in the professional world of mental health practitioners regarding the appropriate way to deal with dual or multiple relationships. The 1995 Code of Ethics for the American Counseling Association (ACA) addressed the issue by urging professional counselors to avoid such relationships due to the potential harm to the client and the reputation of the counselor. However, according to Cottone (2009), the ambiguity found in the 1995 ethic code of dual relationships needed to be addressed because the term â€Å"dual relationships† was nondescript and did not give good guidance to the profession or to clients who have an ethical concern or complaint. Hermann and Robinson-Kurpius (2006) stated that one of the goals in revising the 1995 ACA Code of Ethics was to provide more ethically acceptable and structured guidelines for counselors to consider before entering into dual relationships. Herman and Robinson-Kurpius state that The 2005 ACA Code of Ethics replaces the term â€Å"dual relationship† with â€Å"nonprofessional interactions† and outlines which dual relationships are ethically acceptable and which are strictly prohibited. Corey (2009) stated that dual relationships, either sexual or nonsexual, occur when professionals assume two (or more) roles simultaneously or sequentially with a person seeking professional counseling. This may mean two professional roles, such as counselor, and teacher, or combining a professional and a non-professional role, such as counselor and friend or counselor and lover. Dual relationship issues, both sexual and nonsexual, affect virtually all counselors and human development specialist regardless of their work setting or clientele. Corey continues to state that counseling professionals must learn how to manage multiple roles and responsibilities in an ethical way. This issue becomes learning to deal effectively with the power differential that is inherent counseling relationship (Corey). Potential Harm The ACA Code of Ethics (2005) prohibits romantic and sexual interactions between counselor and client. The ACA requires a counselor to wait five years before becoming involved sexually or romantically with former clients. Section A.5.b states that counselors are prohibited from having sex or romantic relationships with family members of clients for five years as well (ACA, 2005). The ways in which counselors can misuse their power and influence are varied. Kagle and Giebelhausen (1994) argued that relationships that are not sexual violate professional boundaries when they state, â€Å"The practitioners influence and the clients vulnerability carry over to the second relationship† (p. 215). The viewpoint of Kagle and Giebelhausen is that the practitioner is in a position to exploit the client for his or her own personal gain. Sonne (1994) has argued that the nature of such dual relationships undermines the financial responsibility between the counselor and the client. Because of this second relationship, the counselor is now susceptible to other interests (personal, financial, or social, etc.) that he or she may put before the best interests of the client. Potential Benefits According to Corey (2009), the ways in which counselors can misuse their power and influence are varied. In some instances, maintaining such boundaries may in fact place a needless emphasis on the power gap and the hierarchy of the relationship. Strangely, in these situations, the secondary relationship is destructive to the counseling relationship because it was avoided (Corey). Pope and Keith-Spiegel (2008) argue that nonsexual boundary crossing has the potential of strengthening the therapist-client working relationship by enriching therapy and serving the treatment plan; however, if dual relationships are not approached with a clear decision process the relationship could undermine therapy causing the therapist-patient alliance to be cut off, and â€Å"cause immediate or long-term harm to the client.† Pope and Keith-Spiegel contend that boundary-crossing decisions are made daily by counselors, and these subtle decisions will sometimes affect whether therapy progresses, stalls, or ends. Pope and Keith-Spiegel (2008) state that counselors make the best decisions when they have an approach to boundary crossing that is based upon sound critical thinking and ethical reasoning. It is important for counselors to stay alert to evolving legislation and case law affecting ethical standards as well as current research. Ethical Decision Process Simon and Shuman (2007) state the responsible counselors are in the habit of setting and maintaining appropriate boundaries, even when working with boundary-testing and difficult clients. They also contend that there are no perfect therapists thus no perfect therapy. This fact alone should motivate counselors to know their boundaries because doing so will make the difficult task easier. Boundary violations in therapy are different from boundary crossings, according to Remley and Herlihy (2009). Boundary violations by counselors can be and are for the most part harmful to their patients, however, most boundary crossings are not and can prove to be beneficial. According to Knapp and Slattery (2004), it helps to distinguish between behaviors that are boundary cross and behavior that are boundary violations. (Taken from Pope, Kenneth S.; Keith-Spiegel, Patricia. Journal of Clinical Psychology, May2008, Vol. 64 Issue 5, p638-652, 15p; DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20477; (AN 31735122) In 2004, Knapp and Slattery stated that when a counselor strays from their professional role, a boundary crossing has occurred. The authors continue to explain that boundary crossing are not always harmful, but they can proved to be helpful or at best neutral. Two beneficial boundary-crossing examples were given. The first is where a holiday gift is received from a client and the other is when a counselor self-discloses in order to help the client. In any circumstance when the potential of boundary-crossing exists, â€Å"The counselors task is to determine when circumstances justify a boundary crossing†¦ if a boundary crossing appears to be harmful or misunderstood by a client, it is important for the counselor and client to process the event and discuss why it occurred and its relationship to the treatment goals.† (quoted from Before the ACA Ethics Code was revised Gottlieb (1994), developed a decision making model to help the practitioner avoid exploitive dual relationships. An extension of Kitcheners 1988 model, â€Å"is the model that examines the established relationship along three aspects: power, duration, and termination status. Gottliebs protocol then makes recommendations based on the circumstances of the current and contemplated relationship. Examination of these three dimensions from the viewpoint of the consumer, not simply the counselor, is emphasized. Barnett (2007) stated, When considering crossing boundaries with a client, counselors should work to be sure that (a) their intention is motivated by the clients treatment needs and best interests and not by their own needs; (b) the boundary crossing is consistent with the clients treatment plan; (c) the boundary crossing is sensitive to the clients diagnosis, history, culture, and values; (d) the boundary crossing—and the reasoning supporting it—is documented in the clients record; (e) the boundary crossing is discussed, if possible, with the client in advance to ensure his or her comfort with the plan and to prevent misunderstandings; (f) the power differential present is considered, and the clients trust is not exploited; and (g) consultation with a respected colleague is used to guide the psychologists decision. (p.403) General guidelines are found throughout the literature to aid counselors when faced with duel relationships (Corey, 2009). When functioning in more than one role with a client, Corey recommended thinking through potential problems before they manifest and offered the following to guide the process: (a) Set healthy boundaries from the outset; (b) secure the informed consent of clients and discuss with them both the potential risks and benefits of dual relationships; (c) remain willing to talk with clients about any unforeseen problems and conflicts that may arise; (d) consult with other professionals to resolve any dilemmas; (e) seek supervision when dual relationships become particularly problematic or when the risk for harm is high; (f) document any dual relationship in clinical case notes; (g) examine your own motivations for being involved in dual relationships; (h) when necessary, refer clients to another professional. (p.50) Conclusion To be a professional counselor I must be responsible thus careful to understand the boundaries that can confuse a therapeutic relationship Boundaries support relationships and give structure within which relationships can grow. They allow us to determine what we are responsible for in a relationship and the appropriate limits of that relationship. Our personal boundaries are often conveyed nonverbally as well as verbally and may be determined by personal worldview, by role, by custom and even by law. They are present in every relationship we have, but differ in intensity and practice according to the nature of the relationship. In most helping relationships, boundaries are maintained primarily for the benefit of the counselee, who is often vulnerable and in need. The challenge that I will face daily is not to decide if it is unethical to engage in multiple relationships, but to be prudent in the management of dual or multiple roles. References American Counseling Association. (1995). Code of ethics and standards of practice. Alexandria, VA: Author. American Counseling Association. (2005). ACA code of ethics. Alexandria, VA.: Author. Barnett, J. E., Lazarus, A.A., Vasquez, M.T., Morehead-Slaughter, O. Johnson, W.B. (2007, August). Boundary issues and multiple relationships: Fantasy and reality. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(4), 401-410. Articles, research, resources in psychology. Retrieved from Corey, G. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brook/Cole. Cottone, R. (2009). Allowing dual relationships. Journal of Counseling Development, 87, 241-245. Dual Relationships (n.d.) Retrieved November 9, 2009, from Dual Relationships, Multiple Relationships, Boundary Decisions (n.d.) Retrieved November 9, 2009 from Gottlieb, M.C. (1994). Avoiding exploitive dual relationships: a decision-making model. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice and Training, 30, 41-48. Articles, research, resources in psychology. Retrieved from Hermann, M. A., Robinson-Kurpius, S. (2006). New guidelines on dual relationships. Counseling Today. Retrieved on November 4, 2009 from Hillman, J. (1996). Care of the Soul. New York: Warner Books. Kagle, J. D., Giebelhausen, P. N. (1994). Dual relationships and professional boundaries. Social Work, 39, 213-220. Knapp, S., Slattery, J., (2004). Professional boundaries in nontraditional settings. Professional Psychology: Research Practice, 35 (5), 554. Taken from Pope, Kenneth S.; Keith-Spiegel, Patricia. Journal of Clinical Psychology, May2008, Vol. 64 Issue 5, p638-652, 15p; DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20477; (AN 31735122) Retrieved November 9, 2009 from Pope, K., Keith-Spiegel, P., (2008). A practical approach to boundaries in psychotherapy: Making decisions, bypassing blunders, and mending fences. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64, (5), 638-652. Retrieved November 9, 2009, from Quotes and Information about Boundaries in Therapy Counseling from Articles, Books, Studies Remley, T. P., Herlihy, B. (2009). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling. Boston, MA Simon, R., Shuman, D. (2007). Clinical Manual of Psychiatry Law. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Retrieved November 9, 2009, from Quotes and Information about Boundaries in Therapy Counseling from Articles, Books, Studies Sonne, J. L. (1994). Multiple relationships: Does the new ethics code answer the right questions? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 25, 336-343. Retrieved November 4, 2009, from PsycARTICLES database.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power in Usa

NUCLEAR POWER GEOGRAPHY HOMEWORK 10/27/2012 DAISY SOWAH FORM 5W PROS AND CONS OF NUCLEAR POWER IN THE USA Worldwide, there are 441 nuclear power plants that supply about 16 percent of the world's electricity. There are currently 104 operating U. S. nuclear power plants that produce over 20 percent of U. S. electricity. ADVANTAGES a) Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). The emissions of green house gases and therefore the contribution of nuclear power plants to global warming is therefore relatively little. USA is currently responsible for a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions – an average of 40,000 pounds of carbon dioxide is released by each US citizen every year – the highest of any country in the world, and more than China, India and Japan combined, the increased used of nuclear power will do well to curb these emissions. b) High Load Factor – Nuclear Power Plants have very high load factors in excess of 80%.Th ey can generate power almost 24/7 and only require shutdown for periodic maintenance c) Huge   Potential –Nuclear Energy Potential is almost infinite compared to the limited and peak features of other forms of   energy like Wind,Geothermal,Oil,Gas and others. Only Solar Energy can be said to have more potential. d) Low Electricity Cost – The Electricity produced from Nuclear Power is quite low at around 3-5c/Kwh making it very attractive to construct hydro plants e) Low Fuel Cost – Large amounts of Nuclear Energy can be produced from the fission on radioactive elements like uranium.The costs of nuclear fuel is relatively   very low compared to other energy sources like coal and gas. Also uranium prices currently are quite low making the nuclear electricity price even lower. About $100 a poundof uranium but a barrel of Brent crude oil is $114 a barrel but lasts for a much shorter period of time CHALLENGES 1. Nuclear and Radiation Accidents – This is the biggest con for Nuclear Energy and has been repeated 3 times in the last 30 years in Japan, Russia and USA.The fear of a repeat is so great that despite all the safety arrangements touted by the nuclear equipment operators and suppliers, Nuclear Energy faces an uncertain future The worst nuclear accident in U. S. history took place on March 28, 1979 at the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania. A cooling system failed, causing a partial meltdown, but a full meltdown was averted and there were no fatalities. However, despite the positive outcome and despite the passage of more than 30 years, the incident remains fresh in the minds of those who are old enough to remember it. 2.Nuclear Waste Disposal – Again a massive problem as the spent Nuclear Rods of Nuclear Reactors are prohibitively costly and difficult to dispose of. Spent nuclear fuel is initially very highly radioactive and so must be handled with great care and forethought. (10'000 years according to United State s Environmental Protection Agency standards). There is no foolproof way to dispose nuclear waste fuel after it is used in the Nuclear Reactors. The area around Nuclear Waste Sites can be dangerous to humans for hundreds of year as complex nuclear elements have half lives running into many years.The United States had accumulated more than 50,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel from nuclear reactors. Permanent storage underground in U. S. had been proposed at the Yucca but that project has now been effectively cancelled. There is presently no adequate safe long-term storage for radioactive and chemical waste produced from early reactors, such as those in Hanford, Washington, some of which will need to be safely sealed and stored for thousands of years. 3. Regulations – The Regulations for Nuclear Energy Power Plants are many and cumbersome due to the massive risks of a failure of a nuclear reactor.This greatly increases the costs of generating nuclear power. It also leads to a long time in the actual start to the completion of a Nuclear Plant . 4. Fuel Danger – Uranium which is the main fuel used in Nuclear Fission Power Plants is limited to a few countries and suppliers. Its use and transport is regulated by international treaties and groups. 5. Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety – if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster. Despite a generally high security standard, accidents can still happen.It is technically impossible to build a plant with 100% security. A small probability of failure will always last. The consequences of an accident would be absolutely devastating both for human being as for the nature. The more nuclear power plants (and nuclear waste storage shelters) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure somewhere in the world. People are increasingly concerned about this – in the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest-growing source of power in much of the world. In 2005 it was the second slowest-growing. 6. The energy source for nuclear energy is Uranium.Uranium is a scarce resource, its supply is estimated to last only for the next 30 to 60 years depending on the actual demand. March 11, 2010 nightmare scenario: Terrorism at a nuke power plant. Nuclear meltdown. Level 7 core damage blows through the 6 foot thick reinforced containment structure releasing highly radioactive elements into the atmosphere and surrounding environment. 7. Nuclear power plants as well as nuclear waste could be preferred targets for terrorist attacks. No atomic energy plant in the world could withstand an attack similar to 9/11 in New York. Such a terrorist act would have catastrophic effects for the whole world.

Friday, January 10, 2020

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay

In One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Ken Kesey tells the story of Randle McMurphy, a rebellious, boisterous and overtly sexual man who utilizes his extroverted qualities to win over his fellow patients in the mental institution. McMurphy’s confident nature and non-conforming attitude brings hope to everyone living in the ward. Ultimately, he sparks dissent and inspires them to go against the oppressive head nurse, Nurse Ratchet. McMurphy’s confidence does not waver until he realizes that Nurse Ratchet will always have the upper hand over the patients. Nevertheless, this does not stop him from concocting plans to provoke and get rid of her. McMurphy receives many harsh punishments for his actions and eventually loses the battle against the head nurse. Not only does he lose against Nurse Ratchet, but he eventually loses himself through the process. Additionally, in the film The Experiment, the protagonist Travis, undergoes an adversity which is comparable to what Mc Murphy faces in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The development of both characters can parallel each other through the similarities of their actions. Kesey first introduces McMurphy to readers when he is brought to the mental institution. At first glance, McMurphy can be viewed as a con man. He committed the crime of statutory rape but instead of accepting a jail sentence he convinces the judge that he is not straight in the head and is thus sent to a mental institution. Most patients at the ward are unresponsive, yet when he first arrives at the institution, he introduces himself to everyone. The patients and nurses are taken aback by McMurphy’s feisty attitude. Unlike the other patients, McMurphy is loud, arrogant, and capable and it is evident to everyone that he does not belong in a place like that. After the wards group meeting, McMurphy sees firsthand how Nurse Ratchet abuses her power as head nurse. He makes a bet with all the patients in the ward that he can make lose her temper. The patients warn him and insist that Nurse Ratchet not one to be messed with but he still acts otherwise. In this instance, McMurphy’s rebellious nature shines through. It is made clear to readers that he will not allow Nurse Ratchet to win over the patients for long. He wants to give her a hard time and hopefully get rid of her. Nurse Ratchet sees McMurphy’s deviance and knows that she must break him, just like she broke all the other patients so she can continue her oppressive leadership over the ward. After numerous confrontations between McMurphy and Nurse Ratchet, the patients in the ward find the incidents quite amusing. Eventually, McMurphy is able to rile up all the patients and encourage them to watch the World Series on the television. Although it was not their allotted time to watch the television, they all participate in the rebellion. Through McMurphy actions, the patients see that they should not view Nurse Ratchet as an oppressive and domineering force. They begin to feel hope inside themselves and begin to envision that living in the ward will not be as miserable as it once was. Nurse Ratchet’s patience begins to wear thin and once McMurphy physically attacks her, she quickly makes the decision to have him lobotomized and leaves him neurologically disabled. After this event, the patients can no longer live in the ward. McMurphy was a friend to all and they could not stand living under Nurse Ratchet’s rule. She loses all control and the patients transfer to other wards or check out of the institution completely. McMurphy’s eventual destruction and death was not out of vain as he was able to transform the patients into believing that each person was an individual and should be able to freely express themselves. He left them with a belief that would aid them for the rest of their lives. Randle McMurphy’s feisty and strong-willed character can easily parallel many dominant male characters in films. For example, in the 2010 film The Experiment, Paul T. Scheuring directs the story of 26 men who are selected to take part in a 14 day experiment where some participants act as guards and others as inmates. The guards have only one rule to follow – they must make sure the inmates obey the basic rules of living in a prison. Eventually the power wielded by the guards gets to their heads. They abuse their roles and exploit and humiliate the inmates. They become great oppressors and being to forget that the inmates are only human. Violence begins to ensue. The protagonist, Travis, is selected to be an inmate in the prison. From the beginning, it is made apparent that Travis is not buying into the whole prisoner concept. Just like McMurphy, Travis acts out as an individual. He is not one to follow others and ceases any opportunity to give the guards a difficult time. He then begins to act out in defiant ways. He mobilizes the inmates and leads rebellions against the guards. He and many other inmates firmly decide that they will not be silenced into submission. Eventually, the experiment goes wildly out of control and is stopped by researchers. Like Randle McMurphy, Travis fights back against the oppressors. He did not like seeing his fellow inmates get taken advantage of. Travis begins rebelling and disobeying the rules in small ways, such as refusing to eat his meals. Eventually, he uses physical force to end the tyranny in the prison. Randle McMurphy and Travis are similar characters in many ways. They both were able to unite the group of men that were facing the same adversity. They did not like seeing any of their own getting harmed. Furthermore, just like McMurphy, Travis acts in defiant ways to get into the guards heads. And finally, both use physical force to hurt their oppressors at the very end. To sum it up, they are the spark that brings hope to the oppressed and lead the rebellions against the oppressors.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Allowance For Loan Losses - 1649 Words

Allowance for Loan Losses The Allowance for Loan Losses (ALL) represents an estimate of losses that have been incurred on loans in the portfolio that are considered to be â€Å"impaired† as of the balance sheet date, based in part of review of individual loans and in party on high-level analytics of groups of loans sharing common risk characteristics (â€Å"0081_REP_Sacher_interior.indd-243_Sacher_Loan_Losses.pdf,† n.d.). This report will cover the accounting standards of the ALL, the common errors that credit unions make, the challenges that face credit unions today, and the Christian worldview on the ethical side of the ALL accounts. Accounting Standards Over the past few years the delinquency ratio has increased significantly which has led many credit unions down the road of exceeding the national peer group averages. The ASC states, â€Å" The allowance for credit losses shall be established at a level that is adequate but not excessive to cover probable credit losses related to specifically identified loans as well as probable credit losses inherent in the remainder of the loan portfolio that have been incurred as of the balance-sheet date. Impairment shall not be recognized before it is probable that impairment has occurred, even though it may be probable that impairment will occur in the future. The measurement of credit losses in a portfolio of loans and receivables consists of two parts: reviewing specifically identified loans and estimating credit losses in the remainingShow MoreRelatedWe Impair A Mortgage Loan When It Is Probable We Will Not1438 Words   |  6 Pagesmortgage loan when it is probable we will not collect all amounts due under the agreement. We establish a general valuation allowance on mortgage loans based on loss history. 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